About Frank

Frank - portrait

Hi, There

I’m Frank, the founder and owner of Profit Glide. I created this website for people who want to learn how to succeed in making money online. If there’s anything I can ever help you with to build your online business, just let me know in the comment section below.

Over the years, I tried desperately to build a legitimate and profitable online business, but I ran into all sorts of illegitimate offers, schemes, and scams. Then, just as I was almost ready to give up, I found Wealthy Affiliate, the learning and website hosting platform to which I owe all my online success! My goal is to help you create an online business that works for you.

My Background

So, who the heck am I, and why should you trust me with your online business? I would want to know this before trusting someone to help me with my journey into the online business world, and I’m sure you would too.

I am a retired physician turned informaticist. An informaticist is someone that scientifically manipulates information online. While practicing medicine for forty years, I earned a Master’s degree in healthcare informatics. I use this expertise as a consultant helping hospitals bring data from patients’ medical records into a computerized online electronic health record.

If your Doctor uses a computer to create and access your medical records, you know what I’m talking about. You may even have access to your medical records through a patient portal.

My Start In Online Affiliate Marketing

Throughout my years working as an informaticist, I was looking for a way to make an income online. I wanted something that would fit into my schedule. Something I could do when and where I pleased, and with a small startup expense. I wanted a business where I could be my own boss without depending on others to help run it.

I looked at many online affiliate marketing programs run by so-called “Internet Marketing Gurus” that promised “get rich quick results” but cost thousands of dollars. After trying several programs that did nothing but take my money, I almost gave up.

However, I was convinced there had to be a cost-effective way to make money online that worked, but I needed to find the proper training, tools, and professional guidance.

Then, about three years ago, back in January 2020, I discovered Wealthy Affiliate and entered the online world of affiliate marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, display ads, and email marketing.

In less than one month, something amazing happened. I made my FIRST affiliate marketing sale online while I was sleeping! I believe it was about a $30 commission…and it was at that VERY moment I realized that if I could do it once, I could do it again. So I began to scale up my business, and here I am today, earning a nice passive income.

Fast Forward 3 Years Later…

Over the next three years, I followed the Wealthy Affiliate training and built three websites. Now I enjoy a consistent online income that has grown bigger every year! Yes, it took effort and dedication, but it was totally worth it! Get-rich online schemes just don’t work!

I Want To Help You Succeed In OnLine Marketing!

There are many paths you can take to make money online, such as affiliate marketing, display ads, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, email marketing, YouTube videos, and the list goes on and on. Each method has its pros and cons. It all depends on what works best with how you want to generate a passive income.

I have been actively engaged in helping people like you make money online within WealthyAffiliate.com and through my website here. I’ve helped new starters with no online marketing experience or computer skills and others that had been unsuccessful in trying to scale their online business.

The truth is that ANYONE, including YOU, can do it, but you need the right starting point to set yourself up for success!

Please check out the resources here at Profit Glide, and I urge you to consider giving Wealthy Affiliate a free try! You can work with me directly as your support coach inside Wealthy Affiliate by clicking here to create your free starter account (no credit card required)!

I owe all my online success to Wealthy Affiliate! It has the training and tools that are helping me reach all my financial goals.

Wealthy Affiliate has an “excellent” (4.8 out of 5-star) Rating at Trustpilot with over 500 reviews!

Wealthy Affiliate - TrustPilot score

Leave me a comment below if you ever need a hand or have any questions about online marketing, and I will be more than happy to help you out! I will get back to you in 24 hours, whenever possible.

Best of Luck With Your Online Marketing Aspirations!,

Founder – Profit Glide

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